St. Luke's Sundays: 8am Holy Communion on 2nd and 4th Sundays; 9.30am Holy Communion on 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays; 9.30am Together in Worship Family Service on 2nd Sunday and 9.30am Morning prayer on 4th Sunday. There will be a 10am service of Holy Communion on Wednesdays unless there isn't a priest available to officiate, then Morning Prayer will take its place. There is a short and simple Morning Prayer at 9.15am on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
St. Thomas' Sundays at 11am 1st Sunday Together in Worship Family Service; 2nd and 4th Sunday Holy Communion and 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer
Pew News 9th February 2025 please print out and pass this on to those who do not have access to the website.
Other Information - Please let the Parish Office know of people who would like us to pray for them, and if they would like a pastoral telephone call.