Please be advised the new telephone number for the Parish Office.

01543 229233.



St Luke's Centre

St. Luke's Church Centre, comprising office space for the Parish administrator, kitchen, lounge and hall was built in the 1970's, and has undergone a major refurbishment. This includes a large foyer, new toilet facilities, enhanced security, and a high quality extension to the well equipped Kitchen area. The Church centre is used daily and is seen as an important means of engaging with the community beyond the church.

The Church Centre is well used for church and parish events and is rented out to various groups who meet on monthly and weekly basis. These are exciting new ventures that benefit from seeing a good number of people from beyond the worshipping community. We have a Friday morning gentle exercise class as well as the once-a-month Saturday craft group. Lent and Advent courses over recent years have also met as 'Café' courses.

The centre is available for hire on certain days and times and for Childrens Parties and meetings etc.. If St Luke's Church centre is not available we have access to an alternative church centre, St Barnabas, Hampton Street, Cannock. This centre is more suitable for Childrens Parties as bouncy castles can be accomodated. For more information on centre booking and availability, please call the Parish Office on 01543 229233.

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