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St. Luke's Choir

St. Luke's Church choir meet every Friday evening from 7.00 - 8.30pm in the church. We currently have a membership of around 15 adults, but we would like to have some junior members to swell our ranks. The choir helps lead the services at St. Luke's on the first and third Sundays of every month, singing anthems and the communion settings. Occasionally we are asked to sing at weddings to lead the hymn singing, and we play a major part on Feast days, particularly at Easter and Christmas.

The choir holds a concert at the annual Christmas Tree Festival, with some of its members performing instrumental solos.

The musical director is Doug McIntosh who is the parish organist.

If you are interested in joining our ranks, a basic music-reading skill would be helpful. Please contact the Parish Office on 01543 502131 for more details.

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